Welcome to SCOOP Ed - Empowering Young Displaced Individuals through Education

SCOOP Ed is an educational service specifically designed for young people who have been displaced from their homes. Made up of several programmes, including IT, Music Production, Mindfulness, Basic English and Play Therapy, SCOOP Ed empowers individuals through personal, academic, and professional development, utilising a holistic approach to education.

Through partnerships with Direct Provision Centres in Ireland and the Bajed Kandala Camp in Iraqi Kurdistan, we bring SCOOP Ed directly to those who need it the most. We believe that education is a powerful tool that can positively transform lives, enabling young displaced individuals to rebuild their futures and pursue their dreams.

IT Programme – Equips young people with essential digital skills and literacy, empowering them to navigate the ever-evolving technological landscape and pursue career opportunities. 

Music Production Programme – Allows aspiring musicians to tap into their creativity by exploring the world of music composition, recording, and production. Participants work to create their own tracks step by step using recordings (instrumentation & voice), samples, software instruments and the use of the latest music technology and techniques (Ableton Live & Amp; Push controllers).

Mindfulness Programme – Displacement can take a toll on mental well-being, leading to a range of mental health illnesses. This programme promotes self-care and introduces young individuals to mindfulness techniques and practices. Through guided meditation and stress management exercises, participants learn how to navigate challenges with a calm and self-compassionate approach.

Basic English Programme – Focuses on developing English language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students gain confidence in expressing themselves in English, enhancing their employability and facilitating integration into new communities.

Play Therapy Programme – Displacement can often leave young people with unresolved trauma and emotional challenges. Play Therapy provides a safe and supportive space for self-expression and healing. Through engaging activities, games, and creative outlets, participants learn to process their emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and express themselves. This programme aims to enhance mental well-being and restore a sense of normality in their lives.

With thanks to our SCOOP Ed partners Greyhound Recycling, Joint Help For Kurdistan, CreateSound, Ableton, AdRoll and Riot Games. 

SCOOP Foundation